The 2020 SNIA Persistent Memory Summit is coming to the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara on Thursday, January 23, 2020. The day before, on January 22, an expanded version of the SNIA Persistent Memory Hackathon will return, co-located again with the SNIA Annual Members Symposium. We’ll share Hackathon details in an upcoming SNIA Solid State blog.
For those who have already attended a Persistent Memory Summit, you will find significant changes in the makeup of the agenda. For those who have never attended, the new agenda might also be an opportunity to learn more about development options and experiences for persistent memory.
The focus of the 2020 Summit will be on tool and application development for systems with persistent memory. While there is significant momentum for applications, some companies and individuals are still hesitant. The recent Persistent Programming in Real Life (PIRL) conference in San Diego focused on corporate and academic development efforts, specifically diving into the experience of developing for persistent memory. A great example of the presentations at PIRL is one on ZUFS from Shachar Sharon of NetApp, a SNIA member company.
The Persistent Memory Summit will have several similar talks focusing on the experience of delivering applications for persistent memory. While obviously of benefit to developers and software management, the presentations will also serve the needs of hardware attendees by highlighting the process that applications will follow to utilize new hardware. Likewise, companies interested in exploring persistent memory in IT infrastructure can benefit from understanding the implementations that are available.

The Summit will also feature some of the entries to the SNIA NVDIMM Programming Challenge announced at the SNIA Storage Developer Conference. Check out the “Show Your Persistent Stuff” blog for all the details. If you haven’t registered to participate, opportunities are still available.
Registration for the Persistent Memory summit is complimentary, and includes a demonstration area, lunch, and reception. Don’t miss this event!